Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Maia's first days

At first she was a little angry about being removed from her nice, comfy dwelling. She was probably also a little embarrassed about being caught with her conehead on.

Luckily, the conehead look disappeared pretty quickly.

Daddy was beaming with pride.

But even he couldn't rescue her from the dreaded first bath!

Ah, naptime at last.

Before we knew it, it was time to go home! Thanks to BBFK for the going-home outfit.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely adorable!

Mary Beth said...

I'm so glad everything went well and hope that your recovery is fast. Maia is just beautiful and I know you guys are in love!

Jay said...

Love the photos, love the birth story. I hope you are all doing well, and keeping cozy and in love.

Kel Bel said...

What a cutie! Congrats, I am so happy for all of you, and please keep the stories coming :)

Jennifer said...

OH!! She is beautiful! :D I'm soooo sorry that I have not visited. Look what happens when I don't stop by! You go and have a baby! She's just too precious.