Thursday, October 18, 2007

I am so consumed with being pregnant that I can't think of anything else to talk about. I was trying to spare you all but then I figured what the hell, you wouldn't keep coming back here if I was *that* boring, right?

I mean, excuse me, but it is just slightly mind-boggling to have an entire human being growing inside your body, especially when it gets to the point where you can feel it moving around in there, and then, even stranger when you can see your belly moving on the outside like in Alien. So I really can't help but be fixated on this strange little miracle of nature. I'll just add that it's a *really* strange sensation to be kicked in the vagina (well, the cervix, if you want to get technical) from the inside. That's all I'm sayin'...

We had another ultrasound this week, and everything is looking good. J and I laughed when the tech drew a circle on the screen saying "now I'm just measuring the circumference of the baby's head." J and I both have a significant amount of pollock blood in us, and we have a really bizarre inside joke that could never be fully explained to anyone else but it involves calling J "Giant Pollock Head". I mentioned we're both Polish, right, so we're allowed to "take back" the word pollock and use it to our hearts' content--no offense allowed. So anyway, we are of course wondering if we are going to have a Giant Pollock Baby with a Giant Pollock Head Jr. It probably doesn't help that we are also both German and I am Italian...nice, big, strong, stock if you see what I'm getting at. Good thing I've been endowed with these big birthin' hips.


Mary Beth said...

Just don't ever let your doctor try to tell you that the baby's head is going to be too big to deliver vaginally. It's total BS.

It is pretty amazing to see your belly move from the outside, isn't it? And I always thought it was even more fun when I was having a conversation with someone and they stopped mid-sentence to say, "Did your belly just move?" It's a great party trick.

Jay said...

Sweetie pie, pregnancy is like this crazy, miraculous, neato thing - of course we want to hear about it!

Mercedes said...

Trust me when I say that everyone (except girlfriends who have not been around pregnant women before) expects pregnant women to ONLY be able to talk about being pregnant -- and I think you will find that most women like to talk about pregnancy even when they're not.

It IS pretty awesome to consider that you have this PERSON inside of you -- both of my boys, in the third trimester, would get hiccups around 4 in the afternoon. So, imagine sitting at your desk and having your huge belly rhythmically bobbing up and down as the baby hiccups! (The only thing I found to help them get past it -- it's a little uncomfortable for Mommy -- was to get up and walk around.)