Thursday, March 29, 2007

Part of me really does enjoy being domestic. I don't really mind making J's lunch in the morning--if nothing else, it ensures that I get up in time to have a few moments to myself after he leaves and before I start work.

But sometimes you just have to make sure he really appreciates that sandwich you got up early to make...and that everyone at his office knows what's up too.


Mary Beth said...

Have I told you lately that you rock?

Jennifer said...

Woo hoo! You go girl!

Kat E said...

Just for the record (because I know I'll get in trouble when he reads this if I don't mention it), he does thank me on a regular basis for the lunch-making duty. But you know, you can't let complacency sink in, hence the occasional sandwich message ;)

Jay said...

I usually write notes on his napkins, but then....he doesn't really do the sandwich thing.

Kel Bel said...

I love it! And really, you are only speaking the truth...