Monday, July 23, 2007

You and I have witnessed many things, but none as bodacious as what just happened...

At first, they told us it worked like this:

and sometimes like this:

But then, we realized it was more like this:


and--my god!--even this!

One thing's for sure, it all leads to this:

and, if you're lucky, to this:

So yes, you guys are way too smart for me, and I was too terrible a liar to properly deflect your guesses. It is true, I've gone and gotten knocked up. We are due in February.

Kel, lead the way to the NYC maternity shops!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations!!! That is so very awesome!!!

Mary Beth said...

Congratulations! See, these hormones aren't hanging around for nuthin'. I can smell babies hundreds of miles away!

Ritz is going to be someone's mother...whoa.

Lever said...

Congratulations guys, big, big British congratulations. That's nice news to start the day, I'm gonna go brew a cup of tea in your honour :)

February... I'll put money on the 14th... that'll be so cool :)

Once again, congrats guys, I'm so happy for you. :)

Kat E said...

Thanks everybody!

MB--I know, I is pretty weird, huh?

Kel Bel said...

YAYYYYY!!!!! Love the post, and I cannot wait until this child is in high school. The stories we will tell :)

Um, my birthday is February 13, I'm just sayin' that it might be cool if you *happened* to have a baby that day....

kristin said...

Shuuuuuuddduupp! That's awesome! Congratulations! You guys are going to make GREAT parents. Fo' real.

Anonymous said...

Why do I have to read your blog to learn of these things? When did this happen?

Haphazardkat said...

Congratulations! I don't know you, just snuck onto your blog but--yay! lol

ergo said...

Wow! Congrats! You are going to be the coolest mom.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D I was just checking in with everyone today, after being gone so long, and find that MB has had her precious baby girl and now you are preggers! Good thing I've had my uterus removed, this seems to be catching.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is Jennifer btw!

Mercedes said...

Congrats, Ritz! I am so excited for you!

Kat E said...

Thanks again everybody, and hi Jennifer--I've been wondering where you've been!! :)