Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Guys, TMI warning...

So, my whole adult life I've made it a point to schedule my yearly "lady doctor" visit with a female practitioner. This isn't because I have the notion that male gynecologists are somehow perverts or that they're going to get really excited about poking my private parts with cold metal objects and gloved fingers, but just because it always seemed more comfortable to go to a woman. Women can sympathize with how idiotic you feel with your feet in the stirrups, all your womanly glory on full display in a decidely non-erotic and fairly uncomfortable way.

The ob/gyn I've been seeing the last couple years, Dr. S, is ridiculously hard to book. Appointments have to be made months in advance. For a number of reasons I had to call today to change my upcoming appointment, and was trying to book it for a specific day. "Dr. S is on vacation that day, but Dr. O is available," I was told. Grateful that an appointment was available at all on the day I'd requested, I took it. As soon as I hung up the phone, I realized my problem: I had no idea if Dr. O was a man or a woman.

Turns out, he's a man, and I am going to have to deal with it. So, ladies, if you care to comment: do you have a preference whether to go to a man or a woman ob/gyn? If you've been to both, was there a difference? Did you worry more or less about how well-groomed you were? Do you feel more or less comfortable with an older male doctor? Discuss.


Jay said...

I admit, I do prefer a female gyno. Hoo-hoos are so complex that I just feel that anatomy classes really don't cover all its little intricacies. I just think a woman will intuitively know me better.

karaokekitty said...

I really wonder about men that go into ob/gyn. What is their drive? I'm suspicious! I also go to a woman - just seems right. I'm sure a man would be totally capable, but for me I'll stick with a woman. Good luck - I'm sure it will be just fine. BTW, what do you mean by "well-groomed"? I always take a shower, etc., but am I missing out on something? Should I be going to the Hoo-ha salon?

Kat E said...

Jay: Exactly, I think women will be slightly more cautious about they way they poke and prod because they know what it feels like in there!

Kitty: Hoo-ha salon, yeah! Seriously though, the docs have to have some opinion of you based on whether you're big and bushy or have nothing but a tuft, right? Obviously I take a shower beforehand ;)

Chrysanthemum said...

I also prefer going to a female gynosaur. I figure, she's got the same equipment as me, so it's a leg up (no pun intended) over the males.

As for grooming. I try to strike a balance between being too overgrown and too groomed. It makes me feel like a tramp, if you know what I'm saying.

As an aside, my Dr. is baby crazy. As soon as she heard I was engaged, she asked me when we were having kids. One thing at a time, lady!!

Kat E said...

I have to assume that most female ob/gyns get into the field more for the baby-deliverin' part than for the pokin-around-in-possibly-diseased-strangers'-vaginas part...

ergo said...

I suspect that the men go into ob/gyn because they, too, like delivering babies.

I feel uncomfortable at the ob/gyn period. I've encountered some pretty ham-handed lady doctors. there's no guarantee that a lady doctor will handle things down there better than a guy doctor.

That being said, the ob/gyns that put me most at ease and made the experience the least pleasant have been lady doctors.

ergo said...

I meant to say least unpleasant.