Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Contrary to what you might think, porn is NOT better in 3-D. It just has a lot of apples, bananas, and disembodied penises flying at you.


Chrysanthemum said...

That actually sounds kind of cool!

Lever said...

LOL I don't understand... apples & bananas... where do they come into it???

Kat E said...

Lever, that is EXACTLY what I wanted to know.

Chrys, I promise we will have a screening for you. You will appreciate it for its nostalgic value (in terms of using the EARLIEST possible video editing/effects techniques).

And Fishlamp, you've got me stumped...I think your mind must be further in the gutter than yours! (unless the joke was the use of the word "tip"??) Maybe I'm slipping...

karaokekitty said...

Interesting... Even better, have you seen muppet porn? It's truely bizarre! Check out the movie "Let my puppets cum" if you get a chance. It's hilariours!!!

Kat E said...

Will do, Kitty. Can we watch it with your mom? ;)

Chrysanthemum said...

Nothing will beat the Christmas gift you gave us last year. BB Mama anyone?

Jay said...

Did you have to wear the glasses and stuff?

Kat E said...

Jay: Yes, absolutely. That was the best part!

Ed: I never said it wasn't hilarious!