Sunday, February 11, 2007

what happens when your in-laws get to paw through your things

When I'm facing a big task, I tend to get into making lists. In preparation for the move, I had written out a list of "manageable" tasks, listed by room, on a legal-sized piece of paper. Somewhere along the line, this list got tacked up in the kitchen. Today, I noticed several of our moving helpers taking a glance at the list, and started to worry about whether I'd written anything I wouldn't want family looking at. So when I saw that my brother-in-law seemed to be reading the entire list line by line, I got up to tear it off the wall.

"I have to make sure I didn't write anything embarrassing on that," I said, totally giving myself away.

He pointed at an item listed under "Bedroom". "You mean like 'Pack goodies'?"

Um, yeah. Like that.


Mary Beth said...

When we moved from Chicago to Joliet my mom decided to pack my nightstand. Jay's eyes got really big and I started stealthily staying one drawer ahead of her and passing the books and goodies underneath the bed to Jay who received them on the other side. I don't know how we managed it but it worked. I always abide by the rule, "Never, ever go through another person's nightstand." Things could just get uncomfortable.

Kat E said...

That's some teamwork-very impressive! I agree, nightstands should be more off-limits even than medicine cabinets!

karaokekitty said...

No way! No one is looking. The nightstand is COMPLETELY off limits. Oh, and if I die suddenly Kat E, you know you are my designated goodie disposer. :)

Kat E said...

Kitty, as long as I can keep the pirate videos... ;)

karaokekitty said...

LOL! Argh!

Jennifer said...

:D LMAO!!!!